Torre del Mar · Malaga

Glass · Policarbonate roofing panels in Torre del Mar


The polycarbonate roofs are made up of plates of a material hard, tough, lightweight, durable, easy to mold and dye in hundreds of colors plastic, which already if delivery many possibilities as we can manipulate it for different environments .


When cover surfaces where we want keep lighting, this material is suitable for its properties and innumerable advantages. Polycarbonate is commonly used when a material through which it can look, and very resistant needed. There are four types of polycarbonates for installation of roofing: smooth compact polycarbonate corrugated plates, polycarbonate plates 5V and fretwork and cellular polycarbonate plates.


The polycarbonate roofing sheets can be installed on different types of structure: wood, metal, aluminum, etc. Installation is not complicated, but requires attention to some details and care.

625 723 297 · 671 456 315